Sunday, December 12, 2010

An Assignment

Happy Advent!

I have been MIA from this blog for many months now.  It's because my family finally did have to make another move.  Now that we are all settled in, I have more time on my hands.

One website that I have been thoroughly enjoying this Advent is Holy Heroes.  They have this amazing activity called "Advent Adventure" right now, and my son (4 years) and I look forward to it every day.  He's probably a little young to understand all of the information, but I am not.  I don't think that I was properly catechized when I was growing up, because I don't remember learning some of the things the Holy Heroes kids are teaching.  That's okay.  Better late than never.  Anyway, I feel very indebted to Holy Heroes for helping to increase my knowledge and love for Catholicism.  I hope all Catholics hear about their work.

I also feel indebted to several other websites and apostolates for educating me in my/our faith.  Because of this, I think I'm going to give myself an assignment.  I'm going to try to highlight one website, blog, podcast, etc. every week that I feel blessed to have come across.  I know this is not going to be difficult, because there are so many.  I can't wait--I already have a queue forming in my head!

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