1. I have been reading Clare's Costly Cookie to my son, and we have both really enjoyed it. The author is very skilled at teaching children how to talk to God and how to examine their consciences. I think this is a great book to read to children who will be receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Communion for the first time and older children, too. I have found it to be helpful in planting the seed of desire for confession and adoration in my own heart, as well. I highly recommend this book. You can order it from Holy Heroes.

If you find yourself procrastinating with sewing on new patches, you may find my tips helpful. I have gone from being quite anxious about sewing them on to feeling much more confident.
3. Have you ever tried the Lumosity games? For a while, I had a habit of playing them four or five nights a week on my phone. I think they were really helpful with improving my attention, memory, and mental computation skills.
4. With the 40 Days for Life Campaign going on right now, I decided to listen to a Lighthouse Catholic Media talk by Lila Rose this week. It was riveting and challenging. At the end of her talk, there was a bonus segment by Matt Smith from his talk "God of My Future." This excerpt had many great nuggets of truth, as well as a C.S. Lewis quote that I can't stop thinking about:
I have always struggled with being fully present. So many times in my life when I am not happy with what is going on, I just escape to the past or a probable future in my mind. What a waste. I know I'm not the only person who has trouble with embracing the moment, especially when it is not a desirable situation. Hearing Matt Smith expound on C.S. Lewis's quote gave me a new way to look at living more fully in the present.
“For the Present is the point at which time touches eternity.”― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape LettersWow.
I have always struggled with being fully present. So many times in my life when I am not happy with what is going on, I just escape to the past or a probable future in my mind. What a waste. I know I'm not the only person who has trouble with embracing the moment, especially when it is not a desirable situation. Hearing Matt Smith expound on C.S. Lewis's quote gave me a new way to look at living more fully in the present.
5. I have really been enjoying a round of philosophical emails about life with one of my friends. She and I have different viewpoints and faith backgrounds, but I have to say that she is one of my dearest friends, and my life is enriched because of her. The way she thinks and sees the world challenges me to more fully understand why I believe what I do. I once saw Sister Helena Burns speak, and I remember her mentioning that she had a close friend who was of a different faith background than she (perhaps agnostic or atheist--I'm not sure), and someone who tired of this friend's comments on Sister's Facebook page suggested that the friend be blocked. Sister Helena replied with a resounding "Never!" That made a strong impression on me, and I have to say that I count my blessings often that this friend of mine is in my life.
6. Not too long ago, I watched a TED talk by Barry Schwartz called The paradox of choice. It was a fascinating talk, and one thing he said really made me think. He said that he assigns about 20% less work to his university students now than he used to. The reason for this is because students' minds are more occupied than the minds of past generations. He said it is due to students having more choices to make in life, such as whether or not they will get married now or later or have children, etc. In the past, people just got married and had children at a set time in their lives and didn't deliberate over these questions regarding "when" or even "if". Very interesting. I know I have struggled with an over abundance of choices before. For example, upon returning to the U.S. after living abroad for nine months, I found the cracker aisle in Wal-mart to be quite overwhelming.
7. I need to remember to stress to my son that Halloween is really "All Hallow's Eve." Perhaps I will get out our Saints books and try to read some throughout the month of November. Speaking of Saints and All Saints' Day, Bonnie at A Knotted Life has some great ideas for celebrating this time of the year. Happy Halloween!