My family moved this past summer, so my son is in a new Cub Scout Pack and Den. This requires new patches. The first time I sewed patches onto his Cub Scout shirt, I did so while an infant napped on my lap. That was fun and not difficult at all... So, I was not surprised when I dreaded updating his patches. I ended up searching for some tips online, and now I think I can somewhat tolerate sewing on any new patches. I plan on dedicating a separate post to my tips for sewing on Cub Scout patches, so stay tuned.
~Weekend Dread~
The other day, while waiting to pick my son up from school, I overheard two moms discussing the upcoming weekend. One mom reported that she felt excited about the weekend, but then quickly questioned her happiness, because hasn't she learned that the weekends bring chaos and more craziness than week days? Unfortunately, I have felt this way before, too, but I don't want to live like that! Now I just try to focus on the fact that it's very nice to be able to hang out with my entire family. Also, a few alterations upon entering the weekend have helped relieve the dread...
~Communicating Weekend Expectations~
As a person who often just "goes with the flow," I have occasionally resented how my weekends turn out. This is typically due to me not making my desires for the weekend known to my spouse. Simple communication to him regarding what I would also like to accomplish can be enough to help matters. For example, if I am feeling that I need a break, saying so can sometimes afford me an hour or two by myself, which does wonders for refreshing me.
~Scheduling Confession~
Just last weekend, I recognized that I was in desperate need of going to Confession. Before the weekend began, I added two calendar entries to my husband's and my shared online calendar. I even "invited" him to the events so that he would surely see them. One event was for confession on Saturday afternoon, while the second was for Sunday morning's. With his attention already drawn to the idea that I wanted to go, on Friday evening, I asked him which day would work best for us. Since I added it to the calendar, it became an official event for our weekend, and thankfully I did get to go.
Just last weekend, I recognized that I was in desperate need of going to Confession. Before the weekend began, I added two calendar entries to my husband's and my shared online calendar. I even "invited" him to the events so that he would surely see them. One event was for confession on Saturday afternoon, while the second was for Sunday morning's. With his attention already drawn to the idea that I wanted to go, on Friday evening, I asked him which day would work best for us. Since I added it to the calendar, it became an official event for our weekend, and thankfully I did get to go.
Back to the topic of extreme busy-ness, sometimes I wonder what the purpose of over-scheduling is. What is the point of being so busy that there is no time to relax? I guess some people probably thrive on it, but I know it is unhealthy for our family. We need down time. When my older son was in two after school activities following the birth of our second son, we finally nixed one of the activities. It was simply too much for us. After that, we could breathe again, and the chaos subsided somewhat. I don't know about anyone else, but I almost feel that homework is almost like its own extracurricular activity. Upon arriving home from school, after you factor in snack, chores, homework, supper, and bedtime routine, there's not much time left to play and be a kid. It makes me a little sad.
~Interesting Blog~
I recently began following the Catholic Psych Institute's blog, and I found the most recent blog post to be quite thought-provoking.
I recently began following the Catholic Psych Institute's blog, and I found the most recent blog post to be quite thought-provoking.
~Housework Tips~
Over the years, I have collected many tips on housework that I think could be very helpful to others, so I plan on putting together a blog post of those tips, too.
Thanks for hosting, Jen! For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!
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